Zulu International Launch 2016

There seems to be a shift in the universal Kadooment band launch energy this year. So far we have gotten a few surprises from the various bands. We have been unexpectedly stunned by the presentation offered by some and much to our dismay, disenchanted by the costume collections of others. And dear friends, it is not that the offerings put forth by the latter are detestable but using Crop Over 2015 as a reference point, where costume designs were at an all-time high and the battle to be deemed the band with the best costumes was fierce, we expected to be wowed beyond belief. 

So when asked if Zulu International delivered beautiful costumes at the launch of “Apocalypto”, which was nestled in the confines of the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre last night, the answer would be yes - Zulu remained true to form. On the other hand, if posed with a question that seeks to determine if the costumes were unique, distinct and deemed untouchable by the other Kadooment bands that have launched thus far, sadly, the answer would be no. 

However, of the six sections there were some that remain etched in our minds and in this regard, Flintstine reigns supreme. This blue and gold combination stole the show, from the towering headpiece of the frontline with its sensational feather placement to a simple yet dazzling bikini. This section stood right out.

Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the male costumes, which faded into the background and lacked any sparks of creativity that would render them distinguishable from each other. Headpieces were replaced by branded caps and shorts were patterned but notably unembellished. This is indeed a retrograde step from Zulu’s Hunger Games last year. Perhaps, the aim here is to cater to a special type of male masquerader who yearns to jump in garb that leans more towards casual fashion rather than traditional costuming. Perhaps the word “costume” is not applicable here. Perhaps Zulu is pioneering the changing face of the clad of the male masquerader. Perhaps time will tell.

All things considered, the launch was enjoyable. The decision to host it at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre perhaps limited the degree to which the setup could have been executed to mirror the theme however, unlike last year, the seamless and quick entry into the venue was a welcomed enhancement. 

To find out more about Zulu, their costume collection, prices and the like. Visit:
Instagram: @zuluinternational
Facebook: Zulu International Inc.